Friday, January 8, 2010

Grocery Shopping

Here's how the grocery shopping went this week. I am just giving you a copy of my Grocery Price Book, which you are welcome to use if you are in the Monmouth/Independence area. If you are taking a gander at it, hit the second tab entitled Price Sheet. The first one is the sample the template had, but I left it on there just in case anyone wanted to start one of their own.

The total was pretty up there, but I chalk that up to not having a lot of staples that most kitchens have.

The grand total was $77.63, but I only paid $50 of that and this food should last us until next week since

  1. We didn't really stick to our plan this week
  2. The recipes are generally for families of 4-6 and we are 2 people, occasionally three. So our food should stretch!


  1. WOW. That pricebook is very ambitious! Is Waremart similiar to Winco?

  2. Waremart is a winco with a different name. It's pretty nice, but a little small. They don't even have a bakery section. :(
