Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend Adventures!

Thanksgiving was fantastic! I spent it with my boyfriend and his extended family. All of the younger people were downstairs and all of the older people were upstairs. Downstairs: Wii games. Upstairs: debates on whether homosexuals can be actively homosexual within the ministry. (An odd question, no?) I didn't even have any turkey, I had ham.

We went to the Black Friday sale on Friday! We stayed up until about 2:30am and then took a nap until 4am, got up and got to Target by 5, where I proceeded to fight for a 1.5qt crockpot (which is super cute!) and a 2 slice sandwich maker. The beauty? They were both $3! Uh-mazing!

We then went to Starbucks for peppermint mochas, then Fred Meyer, then Washington Square. Washington Square was very busy and so we only stayed for half an hour. We slept from 10am-5:00pm and went to an auction where I tried to bid for an old Schwinn but lost. Then Rick asked if we could stop by Fred Meyer so we could look at a bike he thought I would like. We ended up taking it with us!

The bike is gorgeous! It is a 26" Red Windwood Schwinn Cruiser and it has a bike rack (as in, over the back wheel, not on a car) and its easy to ride and I love it! I rode it to school for the first time today, and although my legs are sore because there are small hills, I got to school in five minutes instead of fifteen. By the end of the school year, I will have fantastic thighs! The bike was a little pricey, but it is a Christmas present from myself, Rick and Margie, Rick's mom. That's a picture of it!

We went and saw 2012 on Saturday, then we went back to Rick's house and played video games! It was fun and something that our group hasn't done lately because many of us are in school.

I only have about two weeks left of this term, and then I don't come back to school until January 4th. I can't wait for vacation!


  1. I love your bike! I am so glad that you had a wonderful holiday. When you go back to school after the New Year you will be amazingly old. It doesn't seem possible.

  2. I know! I will be 21 in about a month! Though I don't think I can REALLY celebrate, as I have school the next day. *pout*
