WHAT STUFF CAN DO: Stuff can completely take over your life. I have so much stuff that I routinely give bags (about 2-5) to goodwill once a month and I still have more to donate the following month! I am almost 21! Imagine if I let my stuff go unchecked until I was 40. What would my life come to?
ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS I GET STUFF: One of the big pet peeves I have developed is trinkets as gifts. When Christmas or a birthday rolls around, if I get a gift that I know I will not use or that does not have a useful purpose in my life, like a snow globe or a shelf ornament, I will just give it to someone else. Cruel? Perhaps. However, don't you think that its more beneficial to admit to yourself that something is hindering your life more than helping it? I seriously get stressed and overwhelmed if there is too much STUFF lying around.
AN EXAMPLE OF STUFF TAKING OVER A HOME: Rick came and stayed with me at my grandparent's house this weekend. It was engulfing. There was so much everywhere. My grandma has stuff in the garage I bet she hasn't seen in years. This isn't her garage, but its akin to it:
HOW HER STUFF AFFECTS ME AND HOW I AM HELPING: I am in the process of moving things over to my apartment in Monmouth. Of course, this meant another trip to goodwill. One of the tricks is to get brutal. There was a box in the attic that I put up there a couple of years ago. Rick asked if I wanted to go through it because there might be something important in there. What could be important in that box if I haven't missed it in two years? Nothing. Bye bye! This helps my gram because she has less stuff in her garage to contend with. Honestly, a lot of it isn't even hers. Some of our relatives likes to pretend her garage is a storage unit. We have a sled that's been down there for about four years now. Honestly. *shakes head in disbelief* We should really start charging!
HOW GETTING RID OF IT CAN MAKE YOU FEEL: Oh! There is nothing so freeing as watching possessions that are weighing you down go through those double doors so you will never see them again! It is like a gigantic weight lifted off your shoulders!
WHY I AM GETTING RID OF STUFF: So, in essence, I am really trying to minimize the things that I am keeping so that my life will be streamlined and free from clutter. And the best part? The less stuff you have, the less mess you have to keep clean!
So, stuff can be very harmful to your life. What you might have bought thinking that it would help your life become easier actually can clutter your life and make you more stressed. However, I do condone things that are both useful and easier on your living arrangements as long as you can justify keeping it around.
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