Well, I have been looking for a part time job to help procure monies for those pesky student loans. Pending a background check, I will be working for Ross in June. 20% off, woot! It's not a dream job, but at the moment I am not looking to achieve dreams, just pay off debt.
On the other hand, a possible dream job might be opening up. I interviewed to be a store manager at Icing on Friday, which, if I were hired, would leave me making at least $8k more a year. That means that I could (theoretically) pay off my student loans in one year. FUCK YES! I can't tell you how stoked I am about this job, both because of the experience it will give me of running my own store, and the opportunities of upward growth it might procure.
The down side: if I do get the Icing job, I would have to stop working at the SA. I like the people, which would make me sad to leave them, but at the same time, this job isn't enough to support my education costs. I could still keep the Ross job on the side.
If I don't get the Icing job, then I can still keep my job at the SA and still work part time at Ross.
Either way, I'll be making a little more money. Which is sorely needed.
Wish me luck!
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