Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Blitz!

Happy New Years everyone!

I was thinking about my goals for the new year. I really don't have new ones from last year. I feel like I have improved and I should continue to improve.

These goals include:

  • Remembering to keep myself healthy by feeding myself and exercising regularly. I also have a hard time remembering to do simple stuff like floss. 
    • Solution: I made myself a chart to print out and every time I do what is on the chart I get a sticker! It's a little juvenile, but I love stickers, so this works! I tried a different version of this last year and it worked until about June. It got confusing because it was not on one comprehensive chart.

Time Management:

  • My goal is to not get overwhelmed with homework like I was last term. I read about a trick for readings, which is to group all of your readings for a class together into one block of time a week. 
    • For example:
      • I scheduled Mondays from 9am-11:30am to be my Theatre History reading time 
      •  Wednesdays from 9am-11:30am to be my Flashcard update time
      • Fridays 9am-11:30am is when I will be working on my thesis. 
      • Keep in mind that this sounds like a lot, and it is, since I am overloaded on credits, but I am keeping my afternoons free so far, so that's a nice trade off. 
  • I use Google Calendar to keep track of my obligations, classes and homework schedule. 
  • I should make a chart for each time I stick to this schedule too! 
    • I love charts, can you tell? ...And stickers.


  • Staying on top of homework is basically my only goal so far for school. Which should subsequently lead to all As. :)


  • My home goals mostly consist of adhering to the food challenge 
  • Keeping our apartment cleaned up.  
    • My significant other, Rico, is whipping my messy habits into shape with his uber clean habits and they are rubbing off pretty effectively. Though the place did get pretty hectic around finals last term. 

What about you? What are your New Years Goals?

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