Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm a brontosaurus, Day 2

8 oz salad, 1/2 cup blackberries, 1/2 cup cherries, one cup grapes, a kiwi, an apple, a banana and about 3/4 cup pineapple. Plus lemon water to stay hydrated. This will last me til I get off work.

Update @ 12:30
The fruit made me feel a bit queasy around 11 and so I think I will make some steel cut oats for the rest of the week. Maybe I will try fruit first and oats once I start to get hungrier.

I am weaning myself off coffee. I had a soy caramel macchiatto on Friday and haven't had any since. I will reserve coffee as an extra special treat. Maybe this will help me feel more rested.

I also need to make some lentils tonight. I may take a look at my mom's lentil recipes. She has an arsenal of them. Seriously, that woman could make anything out of lentils if she put her mind to it. :)

My stomach sounds like a brontosaurus fighting for its life. There is some serious digestion going on down there. Its beginning to freak out my coworkers!

Back to the grind!

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