Somehow, as if by magic, I managed to lose 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Cool. Sort of. Except the fact that my boobs look way better when I am at 135 instead of 125 but now I have a flat tummy. It's like I can't win! Big boobs (not really, compared to my family, but big for me) or tiny tummy, never the twain shall meet!
Also, why the heck am I getting "Ma'am"'d to death? I'm 22! I get asked what high school I go to on a weekly basis! What is that!
Anyways, its the start of another week and yes, I'm already exhausted. It never ends! I work tonight at the pub and I think that I am gonna draw the short stick and close. Hello 3am, so sorry to see you for the 3rd or is it 4th time in the last 7 days? I wish "I'm too old for this shit" would apply here, but it really doesn't. I think I have a date with Lethal Weapon 3 sometime this week. ;)
Oh, and the Halloween party from Saturday Night was pretty fun. My mom gave me the bright idea to wear part of the shirt I cut up as a skirt, and I literally had to tell myself to "Nut up or Shut up" more than once on my way to work. I sincerely hope I never get the bright idea to wear a skirt that's about 4 inches long again. See below (far right, dark hair, pigtails). Apparently I should have entered myself into the Sexy catergory of the Costume contest, according to a few patrons. Maybe next year, lol.
Love the costume! So cute, even if it is really really short. But hey, it's Halloween! Everyone gets a free pass to be a bit slutty! :P