Thursday, August 12, 2010

We've been in Wyoming for just a little over a month now. It's very pretty here, especially around sunset.

We have had quite a few adventures.

  • I killed a 3+ foot snake. 
  • A badger killed 25 of mom's leghorn chicken.
  • A grass fire started less than 1/4 mile away from the house. Rick and I had to take all of the dogs, cats and kids away from the scene of the fire until it was put out.
  • A goat got stuck under our trailer two days ago. Rick had to pull all of the cement blocks away from the trailer and pull the goat out.
  • Yesterday we caught one of the wild kittens and it bit right through my thumbnail. Look at that kitten glare. The Humane Society now has the kitten, which is a big mistake. Since devil kitty bit me, they are probably going to kill it and test it for rabies, despite the fact the cat doesn't act or look rabid, and that we have requested to have the kitten back so it can not be killed at 2 months old. Sigh.

On a less angsty note, I'm working with a temp agency, which is really nice. I love the idea of getting to switch up what I do every once in a while. I'm working with The March of Dimes at the moment for about three weeks. Boy, have I learned a lot so far. I might continue working with the temp agency when I return to Wyoming in March. :)

Rick and I are trying to decide on a course of action for saving for our "next step". The steps go like this:
1. Move to a less populated area. Check.
2. Save up money for a boat. (The step we are currently going toward.)
3. Move out of the country.
4. Travel on boat using a sustainable lifestyle and hopefully without having to work all the freaking time. Somehow the idea of having to work for 60 years and then have 20-40 years of retirement isn't too appealing. How are you supposed to enjoy yourself if you can hardly lift anything, or run, or ride horses get the idea.

Rick's idea for saving was an interesting idea, but one we have been doing without really deciding anything: Everything that I earn goes toward living expenses and savings, while everything that he earns goes toward savings. If we are doing work with a decent wage, that should work out really well. A sailboat is about $100,000. I want the boat before Rick turns thirty. That's seven years away. Ack. Let's not talk about how old I will be. O.O

A parting dream :)

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