Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Food, Cabin and Snow!

It's snowing here! It literally just started snowing five minutes ago, and it's the first time we have seen snow all winter!

Some quick updates: I have been working on actually compiling menu plans, which I realized is both easy and difficult at the same time. Meals are easy to pair together, but the dinner is hard because my roommate is both allergic to tomatoes, and a vegetarian. I do have some meals that I can't wait to try.

The new things to try my first week, which is officially next week:

Vietnam Fried Rice
Garden Chowder
Sloppy Lentils (which I think I had with my mom)
Black Bean and Egg Burritos
Pasta and Zucchini Dish
Veggie Sandwhiches

Obviously, I really enjoy Passionate Homemaker's recipes, as all but one of the ones listed are hers.

I plan to substitute red peppers for tomatoes, provided that my roommate is not allergic to those as well, but all of these recipes are also vegetarian, which is very exciting!

In other news, Rick and I are progressively getting prepared for our move to Wyoming, though I don't have as much to do, since I am still keeping my apartment near my school. He was able to sell his entertainment system and all of his bedroom furniture today which provided a nice little nest egg for our little cabin we plan on building! Our cabin plan is based loosely on these little houses from tinyhouseblog.com!

This little house is built by the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, and is only 102 square feet and is sold for nearly $49,000 but the cabin we are building is 120 sq ft and we hope to build it, insulated and everything, for under $2000.

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